TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2004
(Clerk 909-955-1060)
9:00 A.M.
Invocation by Jolene Thierry, Executive Assistant I, Planning Department
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Presentation of Awards for the 20th Annual Carol Addiss Student Drug Use Prevention Poster Contest – Item 2.5
Presentation of Proclamation – Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month, to Dennis Boyle, Director of DPSS – Item 2.6
Presentation of Service Awards
1.1 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publications.
The following items do not require specific Board action unless the matter is appealed.
1.2 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TRACT MAP 25145 – AMENDMENT TO FINAL MAP NO. 2 - CEQA Exempt – Calvin Cree – Lower Coachella Valley Zoning District – 4th District – 20 acres – R-1-12,000 zone – Schedule A. Request to change conditions of approval for recorded TR25145 to delete private drainage easements currently existing and of record covering the front yard areas of individual lots in the subdivision and divert storm water flows from such drainage easement areas to an off-site retention basin located in Tentative Tract Map 31279, approved by Planning Commission. (1.2 of 5/11/04)
1.3 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 27891 – Albert A. Webb Associates – University District – 5th District, 61.35 acres, 156 Residential lots and 7 open space lots, SP Zoning, Schedule A. Fifth Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.4 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28592, REVISED MAP NO. 1 – EA 37506 – Mainiero, Smith, and Associates – Pass and Desert District – 4th District, 32.5 acres, W-2, R-1-18,000 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.5 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28592, REVISED MAP NO. 1 – EA 37506 – Mainiero, Smith and Associates – Pass and Desert District – 4th District, 32.5 acres, W-2, R-1-18, 000 Zoning, Schedule A. Second Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.6 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28695 – VSL Engineering – Rancho California Area – 3rd District, 166 acres, 421 single-family lots, one 13.1 acre lot for multi-family residential, 1 lot for school site, 2 lots for park sites, and 21 open space lots, SP Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.7 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28801 – Canty Engineering Group, Inc. – Homeland/Winchester Areas – 3rd District, 224.88 acres, 566 Single-family lots, 2 residential lots, 1 school site, 1 park site, 5 common space lots, and 2 equestrian trails lots, SP Zoning, Schedule A. Third Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.8 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28859 – Bob Baker, Oak Hill, LP – Sun City District – 3rd District, 101.21 Acres, 246 residential lots and 1 open space lot, R-1, R-1-5 and R-5 Zoning, Schedule A. Fourth Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.9 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 28946 – Albert A. Webb Associates – Prado/Mira Loma District – 2nd District, 59.1 acres, 224 residential lots and 4 open space lots, R-4 Zoning, Schedule A. Third Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.10 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29150, MINOR CHANGE NO. 1 – EA 38764 – Hacker Engineering – Thousand Palms Zoning District – 4th District, 113 acres, R-T, R-3, R-5 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.11 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29151, MINOR CHANGE NO. 1 – EA 38836 – Hacker Engineering – Thousand Palms Zoning District – 4th District, 36 acres, R-T, R-3, R-5 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.12 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29228 – KB Home Coastal Inc. – French Valley Area – 3rd District, 198.48 Acres, 135 dwelling units, a 5.99 acre detention basin/park site, a second 0.76 acre detention basin and a lift station, R-1 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.13 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29408 – WL Homes (John Laing Homes) – French Valley Area – 3rd District, 39.08 acres, 153 residential lots, a detention basin and a lift station, R-1-10, 000 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.14 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29259 – Scott 151 Development (John Laing Homes) – French Valley Area – 3rd District, 59.60 Acres, 153 Lots, a detention basin, and a 4.04 acre park, R-1 Zoning, Schedule A. First Extension of Time approved by the Planning Commission.
1.15 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 30592 – EA38909 – Stowe-Passco Development – North Perris Zoning Area – 1st District, 32.5 Acres, 131 single-family residential lots, 1 park site, and 1 open space lot, R-R-1 Zoning, Schedule A. TR 30592 approved by the Planning Commission.
1.16 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30542 – EA38664 – Glen McMillin – Rancho California Zoning Area – 3rd District – 10.21 acres – 2 parcels - R-R Zoning - Schedule H. PM 30542 approved by Planning Director.
1.17 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30863 – EA38950 – Engineering Ventures – Rancho California Zoning Area – 1st District, 21.03 acres, 4 proposed lots, Schedule H. PM 30863 approved by Planning Director.
1.18 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 31336 – EA39040 - Bruce Kuykendall/Feiro Engineering – Cathedral City/Palm Desert Zoning District– 4th District, R-1-1 Zoning, Schedule H. PM 31336 to divide 5 acres into 2 residential lots of approximately 2.5 acres each in the Cahuilla Hills community with prior project grading and existing jurisdictional water on the site, approved by Planning Director’s Representative.
1.19 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 31709 – EA EXEMPT – Lobo Management Corporation – The Pass Area Plan – 5th District, R-A-1 Zoning, Schedule H. PM 31709 to subdivide 4.3 acres into 4 residential lots, approved by Planning Director.
1.20 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 31909 – AMENDED MAP NO. 1– EA39277 – Nathan Dunn – Bermuda Dunes Zoning District– 4th District, Schedule H. PM 31909 to subdivide 2.5 acres into two residential parcels approved by Planning Director’s Representative.
1.21 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 30618 – EA38838 – Thomas and Lisa L. Mosby – John T. Reinhart - Rancho California Zoning Area – 3rd District, R-A-5 Zoning, Schedule H. PM 30618 to subdivide 20.4 acres into 3 parcels with the minimum lot size of 5 acres approved by Planning Director.
1.22 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: CHANGE OF ZONE 6670/TENTATIVE TRACT 30142/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT 445 – Millennium Properties West – 3rd District, Schedule A. Change of zone from R-A-1 to R-1, R-4 and R-5, Tentative tract to subdivide 166.02 acres into 523 single family lots, and exception request to County Ordinance 460, Section 3.8C. regarding length to width lot ratios for lots 117 and 382 of tentative tract 30142, DENIED by the Planning Commission. (Appeal received – Clerk will be scheduling for hearing.)
CONSENT CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
2.1 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the Spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards.
2.2 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Authorization to Reissue County Warrants (#36).
2.3 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Internal Auditor’s Report #2004-008 – Transportation and Land Management Agency Code Enforcement Division.
2. 4 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance [Substandard Structures and Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case No. CV 03-0095 located at 21300 Mosswood Circle, Perris, 5th District. (9.3 of 5/4/04)
2.5 MENTAL HEALTH: 20th Annual Carol Addiss Student Drug Use Prevention Poster Contest. (2.11 of 5/4/04)
2.6 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Proclamation – Elder And Dependent Adult Abuse Awareness Month.
2.7 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-071 Accepting offers of dedication for Park Avenue in the Sun City area, 3rd District.
2.8 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-086, Notice of Intention to Change the name of Galena Street to Cantu-Galleano Ranch Road in the Mira Loma area, 2nd District. (Hrg. Set 6/15/04 @ 9:30 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
2.9 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: TRACT 23065-3 – Temecula area – 3rd District, Schedule A. Approval of Agreements, Bonds and Final Map.
2.10 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: TRACT 30736 – Lake Mathews area – 1st District, Schedule B. Approval of Agreements, Bonds and Final Map.
2.11 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: PLOT PLAN 16989 – Rancho California area – 1st District. Approval of Improvement Agreements and Bonds.
2.12 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Adoption of Resolution 2004-238 – Banning Unified School District General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2004, Series A.
2.13 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Adoption of Resolution 2004-239 – Moreno Valley Unified School District General Obligation Bonds, Election of 2004, Series A.
2.14 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Purchase Detail Report.
2.15 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Treasurer’s Monthly Statement of County and School Funds.
2.16 VETERANS’ SERVICES: Recommendation from the Veterans’ Advisory Committee to fill One At-Large Vacancy.
2.17 SUPERVISOR VENABLE: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove.
2.18 FIRE: Termination of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to Wildfires. (3.37b of 5/4/04)
POLICY CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval; Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
3.1 SUPERVISOR VENABLE: Allocation of Third District Developer Agreement Funds to the City of Canyon Lake to assist them in creating a new and much safer entrance into the City from Railroad Canyon Road.
3.2 SUPERVISOR VENABLE: Allocation of Third District Developer Agreement Funds to the High Valleys Water District to assist the district in establishing an alternate water source.
3.3 SUPERVISOR VENABLE: Allocation of Third District Developer Agreement Funds to the Valley Wide Recreation and Parks District for much needed improvements to the Winchester Community Center.
3.4 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Community Facilities District No. 88-8 (“A” Street North) Workout Protocol Agreement by and between the County of Riverside and Majestic Oakwood, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, 1st District. (See Item 8.2)
3.5 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Emergency Medical Services Agency Interim Ambulance Diversion Policy.
3.6 COUNTY COUNSEL: Adoption of Resolution 2004-104 Adopting Amendment No. 4 to Specific Plan No. 286 (Winchester 1800), and (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 348.4177, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance 348 relating to Zoning (redefining the legal boundaries of various planning areas), 3rd District.
3.7 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Anza Park Rehabilitation Project – Authorize an Agreement with Anza Civic Improvement League (A.C.I.L.) to transfer previously approved funding to A.C.I.L., 3rd District.
3.8 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Authorization to submit request for funding to the Division of Fairs and Expositions.
3.9 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approval of Title I Workforce Investment Act Master Subgrant Agreement for Program Years 2004/05.
3.10 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Consent to Assignment of Lease and Estoppel Certificate, French Valley Airport, 3rd District.
3.11 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Consent to Assignment of Leases, French Valley Airport, 3rd District.
3.12 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Consent to Lease Assignment, non-aviation lease, Hemet-Ryan Airport, 3rd District.
3.13 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approval of Subordination, Non-Disturbance and Attornment Agreement, Beard Family Trust dated September 2, 1982, Kenneth A. Beard Trust dated July 10, 1984, and Pacific Media Properties, LLC, lessor/Community Health Agency, Riverside, 1st District.
3.14 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT and TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Acquisition Agreement and Right of Entry and Temporary Construction Agreement for the Camino Real Road Project, 2nd District.
3.15 FIRE: Acceptance of Grant Award on FY 03 Grant Awards under State Fire Assistance Program, and Approval of Contract Amendment with West Coast Arborists for Tree Removal, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.16 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of Integrated Prescription Drug Program Agreement with Systemed, L.L.C. providing Exclusive Care members with outpatient prescription drug benefits.
3.17 HUMAN RESOURCES: New Vision Benefit Plan – Insurance Policy with AIG Life and Administration Agreement with Medical Eye Services.
3.18 HUMAN RESOURCES: Adoption of Resolution 2004-235, An Update to the Management Resolution, a Resolution of the County of Riverside and Other Agencies Providing Salaries and Related Matters for Exempt Management, Management, Confidential, and Other Unrepresented Employees.
3.19 MENTAL HEALTH: Approval of 1st Amendment to the Managed Care Agreement with the California Mental Health Directors Association.
3.20 MENTAL HEALTH: Approval of Fiscal Year 2004/2005 Mental Health Contracts.
3.21 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of Agreement with Solutions West for C-IV Implementation Support Staff.
3.22 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of Memorandum of Understanding (CW 1598-00) with Riverside Community College District.
3.23 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES/COMMUNITY ACTION: Approval of Agreement (04C-1531) with Department of Community Services and Development for the 2004 Department of Energy Weatherization Assistance Program, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.24 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES/COMMUNITY ACTION: Approval of Agreement (SCGDAP2004-12) with Southern California Gas Company for the Direct Assistance Program.
3.25 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of 1st Amendment to the Professional Medical Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and Loma Linda University Healthcare, Division of Urology.
3.26 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Approval of Professional Medical Services Agreement between the County of Riverside and Loma Linda Physicians Medical Group, Inc., Division of Hematology and Oncology.
3.27 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Adoption of Resolution 2004-150, Diminishment of Eagle Valley Agricultural Preserve No. 1 – Agricultural Preserve Case and Map No. 918 – Owners: Tin Mine Ranch Partners II – 68.98 acres – Eagle Valley zoning area – 1st District.
3.28 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Acceptance of Notice of Completion on the Reconstruction of Jurupa Road, Rutile Street to Van Buren Boulevard, and Poinsetta Place, Jurupa Road to Derby Place, and Intersection Improvements, West Riverside area, 2nd District.
3.29 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Reconstruction and Realignment of Gilman Springs Road, Phase II, between 0.8 Km and 3.1 Km NW of Route 79, and Phase III, Construction of Interchange Improvements, Route 79 & Gilman Springs Road, San Jacinto area, 5th District. (Clerk to advertise)
3.30 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-252 Confirming the Diagram and Assessment for Zone 31 of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated and Levying Assessments on all assessable lots and parcels of land therein for FY 2004-05, 3rd District. (9.11 of 5/4/04)
3.31 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-248 Confirming the Diagram and Assessment for Street Lighting Zone 16 of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated and Levying Assessments on all assessable lots and parcels of land therein for FY 2004-05, 1st District. (9.12 of 5/4/04)
3.32 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-249 Confirming the Diagram and Assessment for Street Lighting Zone 10 of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated and Levying Assessments on all assessable lots and parcels of land therein for FY 2004-05, 2nd District. (9.13 of 5/4/04)
3.33 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-251 Confirming the Diagram and Assessment for Zone 11 of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated and Levying Assessments on all assessable lots and parcels of land therein for FY 2004-05, 1st District. (9.14 of 5/4/04)
3.34 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution 2004-250 Confirming the Diagram and Assessment for Street Lighting Zone 9 of Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated and Levying Assessments on all assessable lots and parcels of land therein for FY 2004-05, 3rd District. (9.15 of 5/4/04)
3.35 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Report on Landscaping & Lighting Maintenance District No. 89-1- Consolidated, Annexation of Zone 33, 1st District. (9.10 of 5/4/04) (Department recommends continuance to June 8, 2004)
3.36 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH: INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 640.8, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance 640 relating to Environmental Health Service Fee. (Set Hrg. 6/8/04 @ 9:30 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
3.37 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Case Intake and Entitlement Review Process.
3.38 (DELETED)
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4.1 Adoption of RDA Resolution 2004-24, Notice of Intent to Purchase Real Property in Rubidoux, 2nd District. (Set for 6/15/04 @ 9:00 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
4.2 Approval of an Affordable Housing Project in Rubidoux, 2nd District.
4.3 Approval of a Senior and Affordable Housing Project in Glen Avon, 2nd District.
4.4 Approval of Contract Award to Duran’s Farming, Top West End, Inc., and Exclusive Recovery, Inc., for Mobilehome Abatement Services.
4.5 Home Gardens Library/Community Center/Fire Station Project – Award of Construction Contract to Howard C. Edmiston Construction, Inc., and Approval of Project Budget, 2nd District.
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5. (No Business)
6. (No Business)
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7.1 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Recommendations concerning the Agreements with JPA, EIA (California State Association of Counties Excess Insurance Authority) and CPEIA (California Public Entity Insurance Authority) to Supply Insurance for IHSS Public Authority Staff.
7.2 PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approval of the FY 04/05 Requested Budget for the Public Authority.
8.1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Community Facilities District No. 88-8 (“A” Street – North) – Adoption of Resolution No. CFD 2004-02 Declaring the Results of the Special Election, 1st District.
8.2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of the Inducement, Escrow and Workout Agreement by and between Community Facilities District No. 88-8 of the County of Riverside (“A” Street North) and Majestic Oakwood, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, 1st District. (See Item 3.4)
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9.1 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Public Hearing on Adoption of Resolution 2004-179 Authorizing Condemnation of Real Property for Street Widening Purposes – County Counsel/Communities Southwest, 2nd District. (4/5 vote required) (3.45 of 4/20/04)
9.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 457.94, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance 457, relating to Building Requirements and Adopting Various Uniform Codes. (3.23 of 5/4/04)
9.3 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 00-2408, located at 5361 37th Street, Riverside, 2nd District.
9.4 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 02-1107, located at 40300 Mayberry Avenue, Hemet, 3rd District.
9.5 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 02-1639, located at 68250 Pinesmoke Road, Mountain Center, 3rd District.
9.6 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 02-1640, located at 68250 Pinesmoke Road, Mountain Center, 3rd District.
9.7 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 02-2162, located at 45050 Ash Drive, Indio, 4th District.
9.8 COUNTY COUNSEL/TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/BUILDING & SAFETY: Public Hearing on Statement of Expense on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 02-2793, located at 49411 West Delores Avenue, Cabazon, 5th District.
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with legal counsel-existing litigation:
(Subdivision (a) of Government Code Section 54956.9)
A.1 Steven Christensen et al. v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 402906)
A.2 City of Temecula v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 402766)
A.3 Endangered Habitats League v. County of Riverside et al. (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 402952)
A.4 Vail Lake v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 396483)
A.5 Good Land Inv. v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 396579)
A.6 Farm Bureau v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 396565)
A.7 Mecca Family and Farmworker Service Center Inc. et al. v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 409696)
A.8 Altman v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 401311)
A.9 Peter Benavidez et al. v. Kevin Shelley, as Secretary of State for the State of California (U.S. District Court case no. CV04-3318 FMC PJWx)
A.10 Fountainhead Country Club v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 405631)
A.11 Buzbee v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 371421)
A.12 Marc Leinbach v. County of Riverside (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 396737)
A.13 Regency Outdoor Advertising, Inc. v. Riverside County Local Agency Formation Commission, et. al. (Riverside Superior Court case no. RIC 393995)
Conference with legal counsel-anticipated litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
A.14 One potential case.
10.1 Dracaea Apartments – Award of Construction Contact to All Weather Roofing, 5th District.
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11.1 Approval of Cooperative Agreement between the District, the City of Palm Springs and Palm Springs Modern Homes, LLC, for the Palm Springs Master Drainage Plan Line 15 Extension Project (Tract 29077), 4th District.
11.2 Public Hearing on the Adoption of Resolution F2004-09 Approving the Construction of the Corona Drains Lines 46, 7-A, 1G, 1H, 1J and 52, and Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration, 2nd District. (11.2 of 4/13/04)
12. (No Business)
12. (No Business)
13.1 Acceptance of Notice of Completion on the Hurkey Creek Park Water Tank and Waterline Construction Project, 3rd District.
13.2 Approval of Lease Agreement between Idyllwild Water District and the Riverside County Regional Park & Open Space District for the Idyllwild Nature Center Area, 3rd District.
13.3 Adoption of Resolution 2004-2 Delegating Authority to Accept Donations to the General Manager of the Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District.
13.4 Approval of Plans and Specifications for the Box Springs Mountain Park Day Use and Equestrian Staging Area Construction Project, 4th District. (Clerk to advertise)
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14. (No Business)
15.1 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of Reimbursement Agreement between the County of Riverside and the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority.
15.2 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approval of Management Services Contract between the County of Riverside and the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority (RCA), and Acceptance of the RCA Resolutions 04-01 and 04-03 Appointing the County Treasurer and Controller for the RCA.
15.3 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Approval of Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Lake Elsinore concerning the Implementation of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan.
16.1 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Further Public Hearing on (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE 348.4090, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 348 relating to Zoning (establishment of rules, regulations and design guidelines for Wireless Communication Facilities within all zones). (16.2 of 5/11/04)
16.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE 6740/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31009 - EA 38864 – Glen Daigle – Rancho California area – 1st District, 6.7 acres, Schedule A. Recommendation of Planning Commission for adoption of a mitigated negative declaration for environmental assessment no. 38864; DENIAL of CZ 6740 from R-R to R-1, but TENTATIVE APPROVAL of CZ 6740 from R-R to R-1 and Open Area Combining Zone – Residential Developments (R-5); and, Approval of TR 31009 to subdivide 6.7 acres into 10 residential lots, one detention basin, and one 2.2 acre open space lot.
16.3 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE 6824/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 31386 - EA 39104 – Chandler Street Partners LP – Eastvale District – 2nd District, 36.74 acres, Schedule A. Recommendation of Planning Commission for adoption of a mitigated negative declaration for environmental assessment no. 39104; Tentative approval of CZ 6824 to change the zoning from A-1-10 and C-1/C-P to R-1; and, Approval of TR 31386 to subdivide 36.74 acres into 136 single family residential lots.
16.4 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on CHANGE OF ZONE 6914 – Nationwide Communities – Rancho California area - nmm3rd District, 126.24 acres. Recommendation of Planning Commission for tentative approval of CZ 6914 to change the zoning from R-R to R-A-10.
16.5 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Report from the Pension Advisory Review Committee, and Discussion on the Pension Program. (3.42 of 4/20/04 and 3.50 of 5/4/04, respectively) (There is a recommendation from Supervisor Ashley to continue to May 25, 2004)
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