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It is the policy of the Board of Supervisors that: The Board of Supervisors policies set forth in this manual are general in nature and are not intended as rigid rules or regulations from which there may be no deviation. The Board of Supervisors may at any time change, modify or revoke any policy included in this manual and may likewise at any time make or authorize exceptions to any policy when it determines that in the particular case it would not be in the public interest that such policy be followed.




A-1………… Board of Supervisors Policy Manual

A-2………… Board of Supervisors Meetings

A-3………… Board of Supervisors Organization

A-4………… Handling Mail Addressed to the Board of Supervisors

A-5………… Board of Supervisors Agenda Procedure

A-6………… Publication of Legal Notices

A-7………… Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018 (Distribution of Departmental Bulletins and Reports)

A-8………… Authorization for Use of Facsimile Signature

A-9………… Rescinded by 3.4 of 05/22/18 (Board Referral Tickler File)

A-10………. Resolutions of the Board of Supervisors Directed to Legislative Bodies

A-11………. Resolutions from Other County Agencies

A-12………. Deleted per minute order 3.1 of 11/9/04 (Information from Adjoining Counties Regarding Land Use)

A-13………. Rescinded by Minute Order 3.5 of 04/05/05 (Advisory Committee Reports)

A-14………. Rescinded by minute order 69 of 10/26/71 (Review of Departmental Reports By the Board of Supervisors)

A-15………. Use of Private Vehicles by Members of the Board of Supervisors

A-16………. Official Emblem for the County of Riverside

A-17………. Rescinded by 3.38 of 10/23/2018 (Printed Forms Control/Purchasing use of Recycled Materials)

A-18………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018 (Contracting for Professional or Personal Services)

A-19………. Securities for Monumentation Land Division Contracts

A-20………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 05/21/2019 (Destruction of Records: X-rays, Documents of Historical Value, Etc.)

A-21………. Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees

A-22………. Use of Interdepartmental Messenger Service

A-23………. Non Smoking Policy

A-24………. Video Taping of Board Room Sessions

A-25………. Departmental Fund Deposits

A-26………. Division of County By Census Tract

A-27………. Legislation Coordination

A-28………. Commercial Solicitation in County Facilities

A-29………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018 (Agenda Items Submitted for Board Approval by the Executive Office)

A-30………. Coordination of Grants

A-31………. Destruction of Records Retained by the Purchasing Department

A-32………. Procedures for Fast Track Permit Processing of Major Commercial/Industrial Projects

A-33………. Conduct of, and Response to, Management Audits

A-34………. Recognition of Service to the county and Presentation of Awards

A-35………. Flying of Flags at County Buildings

A-36………. Rescinded by 3.4 of 05.22.18 (Budget Savings Retention Plan (BSRP))

A-37………. County Departmental Publications

A-38………. Rescinded by 3.35 of 04.10.12 (Information Technology)

A-39………. Rescinded by 3.25 of 02/03/09 (Purchase and Use of Recycled Materials)

A-40………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 05/21/2019 (Development of Private Juvenile Treatment Facilities)

A-41………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018  (Use of Voicemail by County Departments)

A-42………. Policy for the Internal Review of County Projects

A-43………. County Records Management and Archives Policy

A-44………. Media Relations

A-45………. Deleted per minute order 3.1 of 11/9/04 (Administration of Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Referrals)

A-46………. Board of Supervisors Positions on Local Agency Formation Commission Matters (LAFCO)

A-47………. Retention Period for County’s External Auditors

A-48………. Formation, Alteration and Operation of County Service Areas

A-49………. Customer Satisfaction Performance Policy

A-50………. Electronic Media and Use Policy

A-51………. Formation/Operation of Municipal Advisory and Community Councils

A-52………. Sponsorships

A-53………. Outdoor Advertising Displays-County Property

A-54………. Administrative Assistance to Distressed Cities

A-55………. Electronic Government Policy (E-Government)

A-56………. Standards and Procedures for Public Complaints and Inquiries

A-57………. Review of Unauthorized Businesses

A-58………. Enterprise Information Systems Security Policy

A-59………. Coordinated County Response to LAFCO and Other Jurisdictions

A-60……… Ethics Training for Local Officials

A-61………. Riverside County Allocation of Take Policy for the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan

A-62………. Credit Card Use

A-63………. New City Service Transition Policies and Procedures Manual

A-64………. Environmental Purchasing Policy

A-65………. Distribution of Tickets and Passes

A-67………. Initiation of Ordinances and Ordinance Amendments

A-68………. Rescinded by 3-3 of 05/24/16 (Trustworthy Official Electronic Records Preservation)

A-69……….Rescinded by 3.4 of 05.22.18  (Best Practices in Contract Management)

A-70.………Pre-Election Mailing and Designation Fund Restrictions.

A-71………Rescinded by 3.8 pf 05/21/2019 (Veteran Incentive Purchasing Program)

A-72………Community Improvement Designation Funds

A-73………Title VI Nondiscrimination Policy

A-74………Accommodation and Equal Access for Individuals with Disabilities

A-75……..Coordination and Submission of Responses to Reports of the County Civil Grand Jury



B-1………… Acceptance of Negotiable Paper

B-2………… Lawsuits Against County Employees and Officials

B-3………… Contract Services To Cities

B-4………… Rates Charged for Current Services

B-5………… Municipal Assessments

B-6………… County Department Processing a Project Involving an Agreement or Lease with a Private Party

B-7………… County Department Processing of an Agreement or Lease with a Private Party Which Includes Formal Options That May be Exercised

B-8………… Leasing of Real Property

B-9………… Commercial Cannabis Activities.

B-10………. Risk Management Requirement for Use of County Owned Property

B-11………. Award of Public Works Contracts Pertaining to County Facilities

B-12………. Land Secured Financing Districts

B-13………. Development Agreement Fee and Countywide Development Mitigation Fee Trust Funds

B-14………. Policy for Cash Management to Avoid Cash Deficits in County Funds

B-15………. Notification Process for Receipt of Specific Court Orders

B-16………. Teeter Plan

B-17………. Rescinded by 3.8 of 05/21/2019 (Disabled Veteran and Local Business Enterprises)

B-19………. Land Secured Investment Policy

B-20………. Sharing Code Enforcement and Abandoned Vehicle Revenues

B-21………. County Investment Policy

B-22………. Capital Improvement Program

B-23………. Health Privacy Policy

B-24………. Debt Management Policy

B-25………. Pension Management Policy

B-26………. Leasing or County Owned Real Property for Wireless Service Facilities

B-27………. Disclosure by Applicants, Contractors and Vendors Appearing Before Local Agencies.

B-28………. Charges for Internal Services

B-29………. Solar Power Plant Policy

B-30………. Government Fund Balance and Reserve Policy

B-31……….Real Estate Taxes Are Paid (RETAP)

B-32……….Deposit of Proceeds from Disposition of County Owned Real Property

B-33……….Claims, Summonses/Complaints, and Civil Subpoenas

B-34……….Procurement Preference Programs Policy

B-35……….Guidelines for Processing Surface Mining Permits

B-36...........Transportation Cash-in-Lieu



C-1………… Performance Evaluation Reports, Appointed Department Heads

C-2………… Personnel Assignments, Disaster Prep. Operations

C-3…………Veterans Preference Policy

C-4…………Lactation Accommodations for Employees

C-5………… Reimbursement for Damaged Clothing or Property

C-6………… Alternate Work Schedules

C-7………… Reimbursement for Employee Training

C-8………… Deleted (Approval of Administrative Officers to Fill Vacant Positions)

C-9………… Vacationing Department Heads and Assistant Department Heads

C-10………. Alcohol and Drug Abuse Policy

C-11……….Service to County Awards, Veteran Awards, and Award Presentation Policy

C-12………. Safety Policy

C-13………. Medical Certification for Sick Leave

C-14………. Payroll Deductions for Combined Fund Drive Organization

C-15………. Pilot Employee Performance Incentive Program (EPIP)

C-16………. Approval of Advanced Step Appointment of New Employees

C-17………. Participation of Members of Advisory Bodies in Department Head Selection

C-18………. New Employee Relocation Policy and Guidelines

C-19………. Classification Studies and Requests for New Positions and Exchanges

C-20……….Veteran Education and Training (VET) Program Policy

C-21………. Employee Performance Evaluation Reports

C-22………. Exit Interviews

C-23………. Disciplinary Process Policy

C-24………. Deactivated by 3.48 of 06/29/2021 Pre Employment Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

C-25………. Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure

C-25 Interactive Form

C-26………. Hiring/Retention Bonus Program

C-27………. Workplace Violence and Threats

C-28………. Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Information Technology Competency Pay)

C-29………. Use of County Employees as Election Officers

C-30………. Rescinded by 3.15 of 09/29/2020 (Employee Referral Program)

C-31………. Voluntary Furlough Program

C-32………. Industrial Disability Safety Retirement and Reinstatement Procedures

C-33………. Background Check Policy

C-34……… Deactivated by 3.48 of 06/29/2021 Department of Transportation (DOT) Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy

C-35….….. Standards of Ethical Conduct to Address Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

C-36……… Healthy Families, Healthy Workplaces

C-37………. Background check for Individuals with Access to Federal Tax Information



D-1………… Reimbursement for General Travel and Other Actual and Necessary Expenses

D-2………… Use and Purchase of County Vehicles

D-3………… Control of Parking Lots

D-4………… Rescinded by 3.3 of 4/10/07 Travel Authorization- Supervisors and Executive Officers

D-5………… Flight Insurance Coverage

D-6………… Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018 (Travel Expenses, County, Parole Commission Lay Member)

D-7………… Rescinded by 3.8 of 10/23/2018  (Travel Authorization, Agricultural Extension Staff)

D-8………… Rescinded by 3.8 of 05/21/2019 (County Vehicle Identification)

D-9………… Rescinded by 3.3 of 4/10/07 Alternate Desert Route During High Winds

D-10………. Overnight Retention of County Vehicles



E-1………… Deleted Per Minute Order 3.6 of 6/17/86 (Issuance of Gasoline, Oil and Canned Goods to Needy Transients)

E-2………… Indigent Burial Rates

E-3………… Rescinded by 3.3 of 4/10/07 (Emergency Food Stamps)

E-4………… Rescinded by 3.3 of 4/10/07 (Physical Examination for Foster Children)

E-5………… Rescinded by 3.3 of 4/10/07 (Authorization to License Certain Facilities)

E-6………… Supplemental Payments to Foster Parents for Medical and Dental Costs

E-7………… Group Home and Shelter Home Rates

E-8………… Senior Nutrition Program

E-9………… Rebuilding After a Natural Disaster



F-1………… Prohibition of Off Site Signage for New Subdivisions

F-2………… Approval For Public Fire Works Displays

F-3………… “Good Neighbor Policy” for Logistics and Warehouse/Distribution Uses

F-4………… Abnormal Emergency Response Expenditures

F-5………… Code Enforcement- Enforcement Strategies

F-6………… Grading without a permit

F-7………….Rescinded by 21.1 of 03/14/23 (Cannabis Retailers Within a Commercial Retail Corridor Policy)



G-1………… Street Name Changes

G-2………… Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Voluntary Curb and Gutter Installation)

G-3………… Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Highway Operations Equipment Color)

G-4………… Right of Way Acquisitions

G-5………… Centerline Striping

G-6………… Highway Signing

G-7………… Golf Cart Use on Public Highways

G-8………… Traffic Operational Policies

G-9………… Installation of Guide Signs

G-10………. Crosswalks and Adult Crossing Guards

G-11………. Parking Stalls

G-12………. Roadway Safety Lighting Warrants

G-13………. Driveway Connections to the County Road System

G-14………. Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Parking Trucks in Unincorporated Areas of Riverside County)



H-1………… Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Estimates for New Construction)

H-2………… Defective Equipment Tags

H-3………… Election Equipment Use

H-4………… Conservation of Energy

H-5………… Crossing of Underground Utility Districts

H-6………… Purchase of Fixed Assets Equipment

H-7………… Selection of Architectural, Engineering and Appraisal Services

H-8………… Compatibility of Building Systems with Special Equipment

H-9………… Management of Building Space

H-10………. Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (General Hospital/County Farm Development)

H-11………. Acquisition and Management of Information Systems and Services

H-12………. Rescinded by 3.4 of 12/18/07 (Mandatory Use of Chair Mats on Carpeting)

H-13………. Cafeteria/ Snack Bar and Resale of Food and Beverages Within County Offices

H-14………. Emergency Operations Space Center Management

H-15………. Rescinded by Minute Order 3.27 of 9/3/91 Eff 9/3/91

H-16………. Building Plaques and or Monuments

H-17………. Rescinded by Minute Order 3.27 of 9/3/91 Eff 9/3/91

H-18………. County Ceremonial Functions

H-19………. Guidelines on Dealing with Unusual Temperatures in County Facilities

H-20………. Non County Use of County Facilities for Special Events and Other Interim Uses

H-21………. Use of Alcoholic Beverages in County Facilities

H-22………. Naming Facilities After Medal of Honor Recipients

H-23………. County Board Room and Main Lobby Of the CAC Annex Use Policy

H-24………. Posting Policy on County Property

H-25………. Water Efficient Landscape for Policy for County Facilities

H-26………. Non-Capitalized Asset Management

H-27………. Designated Building Official for County Buildings

H-28……     Monroe Conference Center of the Desert County Administrative Center Facility Use Policy

H-29.………Sustainable Building Policy

H-30…….…Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center Facility Use

H-31……..Indio Hills Community Center Facility Use Policy

H-32……Countywide Utilities

H-33………Bermuda Dunes Community Center Facility Use Policy

H-34………Mesa Verde Community Center Facility Use Policy

H-35………Use of County Facilities for Employee Health and Well-Being Activities

H-35….Instructor Form required – Attachment A

H-35….Employee Form Required – Attachment B



J-1…………. Parks General Policy

J-2…………. Classification of Parks

J-3…………. Parks Department Functions

J-4…………. Park Planning

J-5…………. Park Revenue

J-6…………. Interpretive and Public Information Services

J-7…………. Parks Cooperative Services

J-8…………. Advisory Commissions

J-9…………. Refunds and Credit at County Parks

J-10……….. Use of Alcoholic Beverages in County Parks

J-11……….. Parks Regional Trails



K-1………… Guaranteed Ride Home Program

K-2………… County Vehicle Program

K-3………… Telecommuting Program



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