(Clerk 951-955-1060)
9:00 A.M.
Invocation by Carolyn Syms Luna, Director Environmental Programs Department
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Presentation of Awards by Government Finance Officers Association to Auditor-Controller – Item 2.8 and 2.9
Presentation of Special Awards by Supervisor Stone to the Third District Woman and Man of the Year.
1.1 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publications.
The following items do not require specific Board action unless the matter is appealed.
1.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 29599 REVISED MAP NO. 1 – EA40788 – NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS REQUIRED – SMR Ventures/Stantec Consulting – Edgemont-Sunnymead Zoning District – Highgrove Area Plan – 5th District, SP 323 Zoning, Schedule A. TTM 29599 R1 proposes to reduce the number of lots proposed within TTM 29599 from 145 residential lots to 143 residential lots plus 8 open space lots, 2 drainage lots, and one water tank lot.
The following items do not require specific Board action unless a Board member desires to set the matter for hearing or the matter is appealed.
1.3 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3541 – MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION – Secure RV & Boat Storage/Luis Flores, P.E. – Good Hope Zoning Area – Mead Valley Area Plan – 5th District, 4.74 gross acres, R-R zoning. CUP 3541 to construct an outdoor RV and boat storage facility to include a one-story 400 sq. ft. office building, 115 covered and 104 uncovered storage spaces, 3 standard parking spaces and 2 detention basins, approved by the Planning Commission.
CONSENT CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval: Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
2.1 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Appointment to Assessment Appeals Board 3.
2.2 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Appointment to Assessment Appeals Board 3.
2.3 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Appointment to Assessment Appeals Board 3.
2.4 SUPERVISOR WILSON: Appointment to Assessment Appeals Board 4.
2.5 SUPERVISOR WILSON: Appointment to Assessment Appeals Board 4.
2.6 SUPERVISOR STONE: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove.
2.7 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the Spread of Pierce’s Disease in the Local Vineyards.
2.8 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Presentation of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the County of Riverside for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for fiscal year ended June 30, 2007.
2.9 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Presentation of the Award for Outstanding Achievement in Popular Annual Financial Reporting to the County of Riverside for its Popular Annual Financial Report, also known as Financial Highlights, for year ended June 30, 2007.
2.10 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Cash Overages & Shortages for period October 2008 through December 2008.
2.11 COUNTY COUNSEL: (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. 348.4640, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 348 relating to Zoning (amending the zoning in the Winchester Area, 3rd District, ZC 7031).
2.12 COUNTY COUNSEL: (R) ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE No. 348.4642, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 348 relating to Zoning (amending the zoning in the Aguanga Area, 3rd District, ZC 7694).
2.13 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 06-4482, located at 39220 Calle Conejo, Temecula, APN 924-140-012, 3rd District. (9.1 of 03/17/09)
2.14 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 07-9105, located at 42596 De Portola Road, Temecula, APN 924-120-027, 3rd District. (9.2 of 03/17/09)
2.15 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approval of Findings of Fact, Conclusions and Order to Abate on Public Nuisance Case No. CV 08-04519, located at 82770 Avenue 62, Thermal, APN 764-300-014, 4th District. (9.3 of 03/17/09)
2.16 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Receive and File the Progress Report Regarding the Riverside County Regional Detention Center, 5th District.
2.17 PURCHASING AND FLEET: Proclamation Recognizing the Riverside County Purchasing Department’s Achievement in Excellence Award and Declaring March 2009 Procurement Month.
2.18 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Receive and File the Implementation of Recommendations from the BB&K Election Report Review in the upcoming May 19th, 2009 Consolidated Statewide Special Election
2.19 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: TRACT MAP 30040-1 – Sun City area – 3rdDistrict, Schedule A. Approval of Agreements and Bonds for Extension of Time.
POLICY CALENDAR: Presented for Block Approval; Supervisors have the option of excluding discussion items from a master motion.
3.1 SUPERVISOR BUSTER AND SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: First and Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Janet Goeske Foundation, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.2 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Race for Humanity, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.3 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the Law Enforcement Appreciation Committee, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.4 SUPERVISOR TAVAGLIONE: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds to the West Riverside County Businessmen’s Association, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.5 SUPERVISOR STONE: Adoption of Resolution 2009-140 Supporting the “One Water One Watershed” Santa Ana River Watershed, Integrated Regional Water Management Plan.
3.6 SUPERVISOR ASHLEY: Fifth District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for 5th District Municipal Advisory Councils, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.7 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between the Public Agencies for Riverside County, Orange County and San Diego County identified as the Tri-County Funding Area Coordination Committee for Integrated Regional Water Management Planning and Funding in the San Diego Sub-Region Funding area.
3.8 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve the Amendment to Indigent Defense Contract.
3.9 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve the Indigent Defense Contracts with Steven L. Harmon and Paul Grech Jr. for legal services for People vs. Jackson C. Daniels, Jr.
3.10 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Acceptance of AB 158 Indian Gaming Mitigation Grant Awards to the County.
3.11 EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approve the Amendment to the Transfer of Responsibility Agreement with the Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts for the Southwest Justice Center Court Building.
3.12 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY: Approval of Multi-Year Independent Contractor Agreements with B.A.B. Contracting and Hopkins Construction to Provide Weatherization Services.
3.13 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Approve the Sole Source Agreement between the Desert AIDS Project and County of Riverside Community Health Agency, Department of Public Health for HIV Testing Services.
3.14 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Second Amendment to the Master Grant Agreement between the State of California Department of Public Health Services Office of AIDS and County of Riverside Community Health Agency, Department of Public Health (Contract 07-65072, A02).
3.15 COMMUNITY HEALTH AGENCY/PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify the Agreement (08-1055) and Amendment (08-1055, A-1) between the San Bernardino County, Department of Health and the County of Riverside Community Health Agency, Department of Public Health for Prevention for Positives Services and Specialized Needs Assessment.
3.16 DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Approval of the Second Addendum to the Gang Task Force Program Memorandums of Understanding between Riverside County and Riverside County Cities.
3.17 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approve the Loan Agreement with Cathedral Family Housing Partners, L.P. for the Use of HOME Funds for River Canyon Apartments, 4th District.
3.18 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approve the Loan Agreement with Coachella Valley Housing Coalition for the Use of HOME Funds for Brisas de Paz Apartments, 5th District.
3.19 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Approve the Findings and Consent to Payments for the Proposed Eller Park Project, 5th District. (See item 4.2)
3.20 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Acceptance of the Notice of Completion on the Southwest Justice Center Waste Grinder Project, 3rd District.
3.21 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Service Agreement with MTGL, Inc. for the Larry D. Smith Correctional Facility Expansion No. 3, 5th District.
3.22 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approve First Amendment to Lease – Department of Public Social Services, Corona, 2nd District.
3.23 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approve the Construction Agreement with TSR Construction and Inspection for the Riverside Federal Court Grand Jury Remodel, 2nd District.
3.24 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT: Approve the Request by Tovey/Shultz Construction, Inc. to hold a hearing to substitute out subcontractor Array Builders, Inc. for the San Jacinto Valley Animal Shelter, 3rd District.
3.25 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT and TRANSPORTATION: Approve the Temporary Construction Easement Deed for the Miles Avenue and Clinton Street Road Widening Project, 4th District. (4/5 vote required)
3.26 FIRE/OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES: Adoption of Resolution 2009-100, Authorization to Change Applicant Agents.
3.27 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve the Exclusive Care – Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with Gary L. Baker, M.D., APC.
3.28 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve the Exclusive Care – Exclusive Provider Option Medical Contractor Agreement with Community Medical Group of Riverside.
3.29 MENTAL HEALTH: Approve the new Contract with Jefferson Transitional Programs for Coachella Valley Safehaven and Permanent Supportive Housing, 4th and 5th Districts.
3.30 MENTAL HEALTH: Approve the First Amendment to the FY 2008/09 Agreement with Sylmar Health and Rehabilitation Center.
3.31 MENTAL HEALTH: Approval of the First Amendment for the FY 2008/2009 Negotiated Net Amount and/or Drug/Medi-Cal Agreement with the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs and Adoption of Resolution 2009-063.
3.32 PARKS: Authorize the Allocation of Development Impact Fee Funds to the Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District for Trails Expansion. (See item 13.1)
3.33 PUBLIC SAFETY ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATION PROJECT EXECUTIVE STEERING COMMITTEE: Accept the Public Safety Enterprise Communication Detail Design and Contract First and Second Amendment with Motorola, Inc.
3.34 REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Approval of a Sole Source Agreement for Sample Ballot printing supplies and services.
3.35 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Authorize the Purchase of Surgical Instruments, supplies and implants without securing competitive bids for Riverside County Regional Medical Center, Operating Room.
3.36 RIVERSIDE COUNTY REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER: Authorize the Acceptance of a Grant Award from the Health Care Interpreting Network for the training of two interpreters to deliver bilingual interpreter skills workshops for bilingual hospital employees and Approval of Budget Adjustment. (4/5 vote required)
3.37 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of Sheriff’s Budget Adjustments for FY 08 Homeland Security Grant Program Funds. (4/5 vote required)
3.38 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Professional Service Agreements with Sole Source Providers for the Sheriff’s Violence Against Women Grant Project.
3.39 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Agreement with Global Tel*Link Corporation to Provide Inmate Telephone Services in County Detention Facilities.
3.40 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approval of the Agreement with Orchid Cellmark for DNA Laboratory Analysis Services.
3.41 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Acceptance of the FY 2008-09 Grant Award from the California Emergency Management Agency to Support the California Multi-jurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team.
3.42 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Acceptance of the Aerospace Corporation’s Donation of Audio and Video Equipment.
3.43 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT/PLANNING: Approve the Agreement between the County of Riverside and the City of Canyon Lake to provide Land Development Review Services for the City of Canyon Lake, 1st District.
3.44 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT/PLANNING: Approval of Allocation of Additional “Take” pursuant to Board Policy A-61 (Conditional Use Permit 2885R4) – Paul T. Welsh/Massaro and Welsh – Whitewater Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – 5th District, R-R (1/2 acre minimum) Zoning, 26.3 gross acres.
3.45 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approve the Amendment to the Cooperative Agreement between the County of Riverside and Caltrans for the Winchester Road (SR-79) from Thompson Road to Domenigoni Parkway Widening Project (08-1234 A/1), 3rd District.
3.46 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approve the Agreement with the City of Chino for the Operation and Maintenance of Traffic Signals and Safety Lighting Services at Designated Locations, 2nd District.
3.47 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approve the Cooperative Agreement with the Indio Water Authority for the Construction of Domestic Water Facilities, as part of Miles Avenue, Indio area, 4th District.
3.48 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Ratify Amendment No. 1 to the On-Call Project Management and Consulting Services Agreement with URS Corporation Americas.
3.49 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approve the Plans and Specifications for the Rehabilitation of Cajalco Road from La Sierra Avenue to Temescal Canyon Road, road widening, new traffic signal and associated improvements, 1st District. (Clerk to advertise)
3.50 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of a Quitclaim Deed, Box Springs area, 5th District.
3.51 TRANSPORTATON & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 824.6, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 824 Authorizing Participation in the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Program. (Set for Hearing 4/28/09 @ 9:30 a.m. - Clerk to advertise)
3.52 SUPERVISOR STONE: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Riverside County Regional Medical Center Foundation and the Inland Counties Health Systems Agency, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.53 SUPERVISOR STONE: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds for the Chaparral High School Education Foundation, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required)
3.54 SUPERVISOR BUSTER: First District Use of Community Improvement Designation Funds, and Budget Adjustments. (4/5 vote required) (3.31 of 03/24/09)
3.55 SUPERVISOR ASHLEY: Enchanted Heights Cooperative Agreement. (3.32 of 03/24/09)
3.56 SUPERVISOR STONE: PATREAAT (Provide Aggressive Tax Relief Via Electronic Assessment Appeal Transmissions) Program.
3.57 CLERK OF THE BOARD: INTRODUCTION OF ORDINANCE 510.6, an Ordinance of the County of Riverside Amending Ordinance No. 510 Providing Assessment Appeals Boards and Hearing Officers.
4.1 Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding with Mustang Affordable Homes LLC, 2nd District.
4.2 Findings and Adoption of Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program for the proposed Eller Park Project and Approval of Project Plans and Specifications, 5th District. (Clerk to advertise) (See item 3.19)
4.3 Adoption of RDA Resolution 2009-020, Notice of Intent to Purchase Road Right of Way in the Jurupa Valley Project area – Portion of APNs 178-202-018, 019, and 178-251-010, 2nd District.
(Set for 04/28/09 @ 9:00 a.m. – Clerk to advertise)
4.4 Ratify the First Amendment to the Agreement with Albert A. Webb & Associates for Construction Management Services for the Varner Road & Monterey Avenue Street Improvement Project, 4th District.
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5. (No Business)
6. (No Business)
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7. (No Business)
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8. (No Business)
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9.1 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Grading without Permit] on Case No. CV 07-9004, located at 44545 Villager Valley Road, Aguanga, APN 583-260-069, 3rd District.
9.2 COUNTY COUNSEL/CODE ENFORCEMENT: Public Hearing on Abatement of Public Nuisance [Excess Outside Storage and Accumulation of Rubbish] on Case Nos. CV 07-4784 and CV 07-4788, located at 26510 Theda St., Perris, APN 345-140-001, 5th District.
9.3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Public Hearing on the 2009-2014, Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Community Planning and Development Programs.
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6:
A.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency negotiator – Ron Komers
Employee organizations – DDAA, RSA, Management/Confidential unrepresented employees
10. (No Business)
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11.1 Approve Sponsorship of the 2009 Riverside County Water Symposium.
11.2 Approve the Cooperative Agreement between the District and the City of Calimesa for the Calimesa Avenue L Storm Drain, Stage 1 Project, 5th District.
11.3 Approve the Cooperative Agreement between the District and the City of Perris for the Perris Valley Master Drainage Plan Line Q Project, 5th District.
11.4 Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between public agencies from Riverside County, Orange County and San Diego County, identified as the Tri-County Funding Area Coordination Committee, for Integrated Regional Water Management Planning and Funding in the San Diego Sub-Region Funding area, 1st and 3rd Districts.
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12.1 El Sobrante Landfill Citizens Oversight Committee Annual Report for 2008.
12.2 Acceptance of the Notices of Completion for the Construction of Landfill Gas Collection System Expansions for Fiscal Year 2008/2009 at the Badlands and Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfills, 5th District.
12.3 Adoption of Resolution 2009-093, Approving the El Sobrante Landfill Solid Waste Facility Permit Revision Project, Certifying the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report, and Adopting a Mitigation Monitoring Program, 1st District.
12. (No Business)
13.1 Authorize the Allocation of Development Impact Fee Funds to the Riverside County Regional Park and Open Space District for Trails Expansion. (See item 3.32)
14. (No Business)
15.1 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 807 (ENTITLEMENT/POLICY) – Stratham Cloverdale, Inc./Albert A. Webb & Associates – Prado/Mira Loma Zoning District – Eastvale Area Plan – 2nd District. The Planning Director recommends that the Board adopt an order initiating proceedings for the above-referenced general plan amendment to change the project site’s existing General Plan Land Use Designation from Community Development: Medium Density Residential (2 – 5 dwelling units per acre) to Community Development: High Density Residential (8 – 14 dwelling units per acre).
15.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 951 (FOUNDATION REGULAR) – Hanna Martial Trust/T & B Planning – French Valley Area Zoning District – Southwest Area Plan – 3rd District. The Planning Director recommends that the Board adopt an order initiating proceedings for the above-referenced general plan amendment to amend the General Plan Foundation Component of the subject site from Rural to Community Development and to amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of the subject site from Rural Residential (5 acre minimum) to Specific Plan.
16.1 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 876 / CHANGE OF ZONE NO. 7529/ PLOT PLAN NO. 22845 – Zaky Wafick F & Amal – Robert Ricciardi – Bermuda Dunes Zoning District – Western Coachella Valley Area Plan – 4thDistrict. Recommendation of Planning Commission for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 41413; Tentative Approval of GPA 876 to amend the land use designation from Community Development: Very Low Density Residential (CD:VLDR) (1 acre minimum) to Community Development: Commercial Office (CD:CO) (0.20 – 1.0 Floor Area Ratio); Tentative Approval of ZC 7529 to change the zone from Residential One-Family Dwelling, 20,000 sq. ft. minimum (R-1-20,000) to Commercial Office (CO); and Approval of PP 22845, which proposes to construct and operate an approximate 40,000 square foot professional office complex consisting of two one story office buildings equaling about 20,000 square feet apiece, at a building height of approximately 24 feet, with parking and landscape areas.
16.2 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 36063 – CLE Engineering – Rancho California Zoning District – Southwest Area Plan – 1st District. Recommendation of Planning Commission for Approval of TTM 36063, proposes to revert the project site, which was previously subdivided under TTM 26254-1, back to one 56.15 acre parcel for conservation purposes. TTM 26254, originally approved on December 20, 1995, totaled 168 acres and subdivided the project site into thirty one (31) parcels. Only the first phase 26254-1 was recorded. – APN 932-390-001, -002, -003, -004, -005, -006, -007, -008, -009, -010, and -011 – Related cases TR 26254.
16.3 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on FAST TRACK TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 35977, (FTA #2007-43) – EA 42114 – Hamner Retail LLC – John T. Mehigan – Prado-Mira Loma Zoning District – Eastvale Area Plan – 2nd District. Recommendation of Planning Staff for Approval of Fast Track TPM 35977, Schedule E, to subdivide 5.53 gross (4.78 net) acres into four commercial parcels and three letter lots for right of way dedication.
16.4 TRANSPORTATION & LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 912 / PLOT PLAN NO. 23272 – Prominent Properties, Inc. – Gabriel Isaia – Rubidoux Zoning District – Jurupa Area Plan – 2ndDistrict. Recommendation of Planning Commission for adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment No. 41725; Tentative Approval of GPA 912 to amend the land use designation from Community Development: Highest Density Residential (CD:HHDR) (20 + Dwelling Units per Acre) to Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD:CR) (0.20 – 0.35 Floor Area Ratio); and Approval of PP 23272, for the construction of a Community Shopping Center on 0.36 gross acre lot (0.35 net acres). (16.2 of 03/24/09)
16.5 Save-R-Vote Report. (16.3 of 03/24/09) _______________________________________________________________________________