DECEMBER 14, 2021
9:30 A.M.
1.1 15487 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Proof of Publication. [$0]
1.2 17930 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: RECEIVE AND FILE THE PLANNING COMMISSION’S DECISION TO APPROVE TENTATIVE TRACT MAPS NO. 38016 AND 38025 – Exempt From CEQA (Section 1506(b)(3) Common Sense Exemption) – Applicant: Foremost Center Street, LLC – Engineer/Representative: Adkan Engineering Engineer – Second Supervisorial District – University District – Highgrove Area Plan: Community Development:Mixed-Use Area (CD:MUA) (Highest Density Residential – 20+ du/ac) – Location: Center Street/Spring Street near Garfield Avenue – 65.2 Acres – Zoning: Mixed Use (MU) – REQUEST: To authorize schedule “A” land divisions to create 14 lots for finance and conveyance and 10 lots for 846 condominium dwellings, private recreation, public Springbrook Community Park, a portion of a public regional trail, public streets and private access, and water quality basin lots. APNs: 255-060-014, 255-060-022, 255-060-028, 255-060-030, 255-110-003, 255-110-004, 255-110-005, 255-110-006, 255-110-015, 255-110-019, and 255-110-029. District 2. [Applicant Fees 100%]
2.1 14418 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Renewal of the Revised Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County due to the epidemic infestation of bark beetles in the Mountain Communities of Idyllwild and Pine Cove, and the positive find of the Golden Spotted Oak Borer (GSOB) in the community of Idyllwild. [$0]
2.2 17427 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Reappointment of Rosie Vanderhaak and Michael Dugan to the Temecula Public Cemetery District, Third District. [$0]
2.3 17428 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Reappointment of Rod Tolliver to the San Jacinto Valley Cemetery District, Third District. [$0]
2.4 17708 SUPERVISOR CHUCK WASHINGTON: Appointment of Bette Martland to the Historical Commission, Third District. [$0]
2.5 17834 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of the Local Emergency Declaration for Riverside County Due to the Spread of Pierce's Disease in the Local Vineyards, District 3. [$0]
2.6 17835 AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER: Renewal of Local Emergency in Riverside County Due to the Discovery of Citrus Greening Disease, or Huanglongbing, All Districts. [$0]
2.7 17768 CLERK OF THE BOARD: Approval of 2022 Recurring Board Presentations of Proclamations List. [$0]
2.8 17349 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amended Conflict of Interest Code of the Moreno Valley Unified School District, District 5. [$0]
2.9 17750 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amendment to the Conflict of Interest Code of the Coachella Valley Public Cemetery, District 4. [$0]
2.10 17752 COUNTY COUNSEL: Approval of the Amendment to the Conflict of Interest Code of Western Riverside Council of Governments, Districts 1, 2, 3 and 5. [$0]
2.11 17716 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of Final Tract Map 37715 a Schedule "A" Subdivision in the French Valley area. District 3. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.1 17869 BOS DISTRICT 1: First District Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to be allocated to Reaching New Heights Foundation, Inc., Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Inland Empire, and Voices for Children. [$22,500 – American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.2 17950 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to the Riverside National Cemetery Support Committee, Jurupa Valley Adopt a Family, and the Bob Hope USO Inland Empire. [$10,635.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.3 17937 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Approve and Execute Addendum No. 2 to the Third Amendment and Restatement of the Joint Powers Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) to Include the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians as a Member of CVAG, All Districts. [$0]
3.4 17879 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Christian Grose, LLC., for Racially Polarized Voting Analysis Consulting Services, Without Seeking Competitive Bids, through December 15, 2021, All Districts. [$14,000 - 100% General Fund]
3.5 17935 EXECUTIVE OFFICE AND REGISTRAR OF VOTERS: Direct Registrar of Voters to Implement the Voter’s Choice Act and Approve a Budget Adjustment, All Districts. [Total Cost $4,940,310 – General Funds 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.6 17706 ANIMAL SERVICES: Accept and Approve the PetSmart Charities Grant Agreement between Department of Animal Services and PetSmart Charities, Inc.; All Districts. [$50,000 Total Cost - Grant Revenue 100%]
3.7 17817 AUDITOR-CONTROLLER: Authorization to Reissue County Stale Dated Warrants #2021-6, All Districts. [$2,584,734 - 100% Stale Dated Warrants Fund 69005, 69008 and 69011]
3.8 17052 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Ratify the Purchase Orders with Amerivet Contracting and Southwest Site Services for Emergency Support Equipment Rental; with Hemet Gate Keepers for Security Services for Project Roomkey; with Golden State Concessions and Catering, Thomas Catering and Sodexho for Provision of Meals; and with Charter Communications and Lamar Advertising for advertising campaigns during COVID-19 response approved under the Emergency Procurement Order for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, All Districts. [Total: $2,261,817 for FY20/21 - 100% Federal Funds]
3.9 17866 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Approve the Advanced Life Support (ALS) First Responder Agreement No. EM-22-127 with the City of Canyon Lake, District: 3. [$0]
3.10 17758 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-214 Authorizing the Emergency Management Department to Submit Application and Administer the FY21 State Homeland Security Program Grant, All Districts. [$2,477,018, 100% Federal Funds]
3.11 17756 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Acceptance of FY21 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), and Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-212 Authorizing the Emergency Management Department to Apply for FY21 EMPG, All Districts. Federal Funds, Local Match County and City Partners. [$618,175]
3.12 17757 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT: Acceptance of FY21 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program – American Rescue Plan Act (EMPG-ARPA), and Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-213 Authorizing the Emergency Management Department to Apply for EMPG-ARPA. All Districts. Federal Funds, Local Match County and City Partners. [$78,391]
3.13 17691 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT - REAL ESTATE (FM-RE): Approval of the Third Amendment to Lease with Grae La Sierra, LLC, - Department of Public Social Services, Riverside, Remediation Services, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [Total Cost $360,116, Federal 50%, State 20%, County 4%, Realignment 26%] (Clerk of the Board to file Notice of Exemption)
3.14 17446 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT: Riverside County Fire Department Station # 77 - Lake Riverside Expansion Project - Approval of Revised Project Budget and Construction Contract with Tilden-Coil Constructors, Inc., District 3. [$1,797,800, 100% Development Impact Fees: Western Riverside County Fire Facilities Fund 30505] (Clerk to Advertise)
3.15 17579 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Department of Public Social Services Kidd Street Security Fencing Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for Horizons Construction Company International, Inc., District 1. [$10,262 – 54% Federal, 22% Realignment, 20% State, 4% General Fund (Previously approved budget)] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.16 17294 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT- REAL ESTATE (FM-RE) and DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES (DPSS): Approval of the Eighth Amendment to Lease with 22690 Cactus, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Located at 22690 Cactus Avenue, Moreno Valley, Three-Year Lease Extension, CEQA Exempt, District 5. [$3,263,987- 54% Federal, 20% State, 4% County, 22% Realign] (Clerk of the Board to file Notice of Exemption)
3.17 17571 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT (FM) AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Department of Public Social Services Kidd Street Client Services Elevator Upgrade Project – Approval of Notice of Completion for Horizons Construction Company International, Inc., District 1. [$17,033, 54% Federal, 22% Realignment, 20% State, 4% General Fund (Previously approved budget)] (Clerk to Record Notice of Completion)
3.18 17331 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT- REAL ESTATE (FM-RE) AND RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH (RUHS-BH): Ratification and Approval of the Fourth Amendment to Lease with Lucia and Robert Ramos, 1297 W. Hobsonway, Blythe, 5 year lease with two 1 year options; CEQA Exempt, District 4 [$1,084,525 - Federal Funds 46%, State Funds 54%] (Clerk of the Board to file Notice of Exemption)
3.19 14211 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT-REAL ESTATE (FM-RE) and SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratification and Approval of the First Amended and Restated Lease at 73-520 Waring Drive, Palm Desert Civic Center between the County of Riverside and the City of Palm Desert; CEQA Exempt. District 4. [Total Cost $3,002,815, 100% General Funds] (Clerk of the Board to File the Notice of Exemption)
3.20 17640 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Setting the Public Hearing of Resolution No. 2021-208: Ordering the Confirmation of Special Assessments and Liens Against Parcels of Land Located in the County of Riverside for Costs of the Abatement and Removal of Hazardous Weeds. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 14912 and County Ordinance No. 695.4, All Districts. [$178,531 Total Cost]; 100% Property Owner Special Assessment to Reimburse the General Fund. (Set for Public Hearing on January 25, 2022)
3.21 17350 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approve the Professional Services Agreement for Licensed Timber Operator Services for the Elsinore Front Country Fuel Break Project with National Wildfire Protection Service LLC through March 15, 2022, District 1. [Total Aggregate Cost $800,000 - 100% State Grant Funds]
3.22 17732 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Automatic Aid Agreement Between the County of Riverside and the City of Canyon Lake until terminated by either Party; District 1. [$0]
3.23 17344 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Acceptance of FY 2021 CAL FIRE Climate Investments (CCI) Fire Prevention Grant No. 5GG20165 for the Juvenile Fire Intervention Program; All Districts [$1,566,548 total grant & match - 80% State Grant Funds, 20% General Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.24 17367 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Riverside County Elsinore Front Country Fuel Break Project - Adoption of Project Specific Analysis (PSA)/Addendum, Mitigation Monitoring Reporting Program (MMRP) for Environmental Assessment Number 2021PSA01, District 1 and 2. [California Climate Investment Grant - 100%] (County Fire Staff to File Notice of Determination)
3.25 17759 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Approval of the Mutual Aid Agreement Between the County of Riverside and the Secretary of the Air Force acting by and through the Commander, March Air Reserve Base Fire Department, for five (5) years; District 5. [$0]
3.26 17272 HOUSING, HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION, AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HHPWS): Accept the City of Riverside’s and the City of Moreno Valley’s State of California COVID-19 Rental Relief Program Funds in the Amounts of $11,749,755 and $6,032,832, Respectively; Authorize the Director of HHPWS, or Designee, to Administer the Program on Behalf of the Cities; and Approve the Forms of the City and Subrecipient Agreements; All Neighborhoods of the Cities of Riverside and Moreno Valley - Districts 1, 2 and 5. [$17,782,587 - State of California Emergency Rental Assistance Funding – 100%]; CEQA Exempt. (4/5 Vote Required)
3.27 17357 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Ratify and Approve the Agreement (HWSCoC-0000051) with the Institute for Urban Initiatives for Application Consultation Services without seeking competitive bids beginning July 1, 2021 for five years; All Districts. [Total Aggregate Cost: $ 330,000; up to $33,000 in additional compensation - 100% Federal Funding]
3.28 17933 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Approve and Direct the Auditor Controller to make budget adjustments as shown on Schedule A for the agreement between the County of Riverside and the State of California, Department of Housing and Community Development Division Permanent Local Housing Allocation Program Funds (PLHA) and Delegating Cities; All Districts. [$6,881,858 Total Cost-100% State PLHA Funds] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.29 17712 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Third Amendment to County of Riverside 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan Administrative Services Agreement, All Districts. [$0]
3.30 17730 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve the Administrative Service Agreement with Application Software, Inc. for the County’s Flexible Spending Account programs through December 31, 2026, All Districts. [Total Cost $0]
3.31 17735 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approve First Amendment to Services Agreement with Nationwide Retirement Solutions, Inc. for the Fixed Annuity Contract Issued for the Benefit of the County of Riverside VEBA Post-Employment Program Health Savings Plan, All Districts. [$0]
3.32 17836 HUMAN RESOURCES: Classification & Compensation Recommendation to adjust the salaries of Claims Adjuster II, Senior Claims Adjuster, and Claims Program Supervisor classifications; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9235 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Total Cost - $92,951; 100% Department Budget]
3.33 17922 HUMAN RESOURCES: Approval of the Final Memorandum of Understanding with Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 721, for the period of January 30, 2020 through January 29, 2024, All Districts. [$0]
3.34 17840 HUMAN RESOURCES, TRANSPORTATION, FLOOD CONTROL, AND WASTE RESOURCES: Classification & Compensation recommendation to adjust the salaries of engineering classifications; grant equity increases to eligible incumbents; and amend Ordinance No. 440 pursuant to Resolution No. 440-9234 submitted herewith, All Districts. [Total Cost-$941,306; 100% Department Budgets]
3.35 17957 BOS DISTRICT 2: Second District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to the Fox Riverside Theater Foundation and the Jurupa Mountains Cultural Center. [$6,500.00 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.36 17540 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Receive and File the Statement of the Election Official, Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-191 Declaring the Results of a Consolidated Special Election, Introduction of Ordinance No. 968, an Ordinance of County of Riverside Authorizing the Levy of a Special Tax within Community Facilities District No. 21-1M (Mountain Vista) of the County of Riverside. District 5. [$0] (Clerk of the Board to Record Notice of Special Tax)
3.37 17688 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement, without seeking formal competitive bids, for a total aggregate amount of $79,000 for Surveying Services between Hess Development and the County of Riverside for metes and bounds as required by the State Board of Equalization for the formation of the Temecula Valley Wine Country Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District. District 3. [$79,000 Total Cost - 100% EDA Administration Fund] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.38 17642 OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Authorize Creation of the County of Riverside Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program in the total amount of $3,093,964; Approve the Subrecipient Agreement with Charitable Ventures for the County of Riverside Microbusiness COVID-19 Relief Grant Program without seeking competitive bids through January 31, 2023. All Districts. [$3,093,964 - 100% State of California funds] (CEQA Exempt)
3.39 17530 PROBATION DEPARTMENT: Approve the Professional Service Agreement for SB823 Pathways to Success Program Educational Services at Probation’s Juvenile Detention and Treatment Facilities between the County of Riverside and Riverside County Office of Education through June 30, 2026, without seeking competitive bids, All Districts. [Total cost $1,516,610; $303,322 annually; State Funds 100%]
3.40 17838 PROBATION DEPARTMENT: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding for Use of the Los Angeles Superior Court's Justice Partner Portal with the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles to access Court Records; Delegate Authority to the Chief Probation Officer to Execute Agreements with Government Criminal Justice Agencies to Access Records including Local Summary Criminal History Information, All Districts. [$0]
3.41 17880 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SOCIAL SERVICES: Approve the G/M Business Interiors’ Quotation # 191434 for the Purchase and Assembly of Furniture, and Space Design Services for the Lake Elsinore DPSS Facility Fire Restoration Project located at 1400 W. Minthorn St., Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 in the amount of $2,174,709 and Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue a Purchase Order to G/M Business Interiors; District 1. [Total Aggregate Cost $2,174,709; up to $434,942 in additional compensation; 100% Reimbursement from County’s Insurance Provider]
3.42 17857 RIVERSIDE COUNTY INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Approve Work Order No. 3 to Master Service Agreement No. U8808045 for the Active Directory Synchronization Service (ADSS) with Microsoft Corporation without seeking competitive bid for a total aggregate amount of $230,000 from January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024; All Districts [Total Aggregate Cost $230,000, additional compensation not to exceed $23,000 for future purchases – General Fund - 47%, RCIT Budget - 37%, Enterprise Fund – 16%]
3.43 17667 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Prevention and Early Intervention Mamás y Bebés/Mothers and Babies (MYB) Contract Aggregate for FY21/22 through FY25/26 and the Behavioral Health Agreements with California Health Collaborative and Reach Out for MYB program services with the Option to Renew Up to Four (4) Additional One-Year Periods, All Districts. [$349,439 for FY21/22, $516,059 Annually FY22/23 through FY25/26, Up to $34,944 in Additional Compensation for FY21/22, Up to $51,606 in Additional Compensation Annually FY22/23 through FY25/26; $2,413,675 for Five (5) Years, 100% State Funding]
3.44 17669 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: Ratify and Approve the Contract Aggregate for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Late Life Depression and Approve the Behavioral Health Agreement with Inland Caregiver Resource Center with the Option to Renew for Four (4) Additional One-Year Periods, All Districts. [$377,652 for FY21/22, $540,480 Annually FY22/23 through FY25/26, Up to $37,765 in Additional Compensation for FY21/22, Up to $54,048 in Additional Compensation Annually FY22/23 through FY25/26; $2,539,572 Total for Five (5) Years, 100% State Funding]
3.45 17053 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM -PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Emergency COVID-19 Agreements and Amendments with Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce, TruEvolution, and Vision y Compromiso without seeking competitive bids for COVID-19 Education and Outreach Services, All Districts. [ $582,413 – 100% Federal Funds]
3.46 17414 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Emergency COVID-19 Agreements with Language Line, Tetra Tech, and Thomson Reuters for Contact Tracing Services Approved Under the Emergency Procurement Order, All Districts. [$691,170 – 100% Federal Funds]
3.47 17665 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – PUBLIC HEALTH: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement between Equity and Wellness Institute, LLC and County of Riverside Department of Public Health for Community Health Assessment and COVID-19 Impact on Black, Indigenous and People of Color Communities, All Districts. [$25,000 - 100% Federally Funded]
3.48 17490 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratify and approve the purchase of replacement parts, inspection services, and repairs for Sheriff’s Aviation Teledyne FLIR camera systems from Teledyne FLIR Surveillance, Inc. without seeking competitive bids for an annual aggregate amount of $400,000 with an option to renew for four additional one-year periods; All Districts [Total cost $2,000,000] 100% Sheriff's Budget.
3.49 17721 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Ratification and Approval of a One-Year Use Permit Between County of San Bernardino for Periodic Track Use at San Bernardino Sheriff’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Training Center, All Districts. [Total cost: $60,000]; 100% State – Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training.
3.50 17862 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Authorize the Purchasing Agent to issue Purchase Orders to Axon Enterprise Inc. for the Purchase of Body Worn Cameras for Ten Years. All Districts; [Total Cost - $9,600,684; Up to $1,920,137 in Additional Compensation]; 16% Federal Grant Revenue; 83% Sheriff’s Budget; and 1% District Attorney’s Department.
3.51 17861 SHERIFF-CORONER-PA: Approve the Master Equity Lease Agreement and Related Documents with Enterprise Fleet Management Trust for the Lease of 80 Vehicles for Ten Years and Authorize the Chair of the Board to sign the Agreement on behalf of the County, All Districts. [Total Ten-Year Cost - $3,910,557]; 100% Sheriff’s Budget.
3.52 17416 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY (TLMA): Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-197 – Setting a Public Hearing Date for the Adoption of Valley-Wide Recreation and Park District’s Master Plan, District 3. [$1,000 Total Cost - TLMA Admin Budget 100%] (Clerk to Advertise) (Set for Hearing)
3.53 17841 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY: Introduction of Ordinance No. 458.17, Amending Riverside County Ordinance No. 458 (Regulating Special Flood Hazard Areas and Implementing the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)) to Provide Consistency between Ordinance No. 458 and the NFIP; Revision to other Provisions of the Ordinance in Order to Streamline Development Process in a Floodplain. Set a Public Hearing Date on January 25, 2022, All Districts. [$0]
3.54 17751 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/AVIATION: Approve the Professional Services Agreement with ProDIGIQ for Lease Management System Software (Mykonos) without seeking competitive bids for five years through June 30, 2026; All Districts. [$300,000 Total Aggregate Cost, and up to $30,000 in Additional Compensation - Department Funds 100%]
3.55 17878 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ CODE ENFORCEMENT: Approve the Multi-Year Agreement for Code Enforcement Abatement and Monitoring Services Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the County of Riverside TLMA Code Enforcement Department, 5 Years (FY 2021-2022 to FY 2025-2026), CEQA Exempt, All Districts. [$750,000 Not-to-Exceed Cost – Flood Control Revenue 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 17852)
3.56 17873 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ PLANNING: Initiation of an amendment to Ordinance No. 348 to consider modification of certain provisions in Article XIXm Industrial Hemp Activities, pursuant to the settlement agreement with the Farm Bureau. All Districts. [$15,000 Total Cost – General Fund / NCC 100%]
3.57 17876 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Approval of Amendment No. 3 to the Professional Service Agreement with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. for Air Quality Review and Analysis Services; All Districts. [$160,000 Total Annual Cost; up to $16,000 in Additional Compensation - Deposit Based Fee Revenue 100%]
3.58 17597 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/ TRANSPORTATION: Approval and execution of the Partial Assignment and Assumption of Improvement Credit Agreement between Forestar Toscana Development Company, Richmond American Homes of Maryland, Inc., and the County of Riverside associated with Lot Nos. 17 through 74, 76 through 87, and 92 through 97 of Tract No. 36826-5, District 1. [$0]
3.59 17643 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT: Accept the Low Bid and Award the Contract for the Construction of the San Jacinto Street Resurfacing Project, in the Community of East Hemet. District 3. [$1,745,000 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item 17637)
3.60 17624 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Adoption of Resolution No. 2021-205, Summarily Vacating the Right to Accept a portion of Oleander Avenue in the Mead Valley area, CEQA exempt, District 1. [Applicant Fees 100%]
3.61 17849 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement Between the County of Riverside, Riverside County Flood Control District and D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. for Winchester Hills - Line C, Stage 3, Winchester Hills – Line C, Stage 4, and Winchester Hills Line C – Simpson Road Lateral (Tract No. 30989), Project Nos. 4-0-00580 and 4-0-00586, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item MT Item No. 17724)
3.62 17637 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Service Agreement by and between the County of Riverside and City of Hemet for the San Jacinto Street Roadway Improvements, District 3. [$823,500 Total Cost - City of Hemet Funds 100%] (Companion item to MT Item 17643)
3.63 17846 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT/TRANSPORTATION: Approval of the Assignment and Assumption Agreement between the County of Riverside, the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, SR Conestoga, LLC and DR Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. for Winchester Hills – Line 3, Stage 3 (Tract Map No. 31633), Project No. 4-0-00577, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 17725)
3.64 17146 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Ordinance 452.249 - Introduction of Ordinance No. 452.249 to Establish Speed Zones Enforceable by Radar Speed Detection Equipment in the Home Gardens, Mecca, Perris, and University City Areas. Districts 1, 2, and 4. [$3,500 Total Cost - Gas Tax 100%]
3.65 17576 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/TRANSPORTATION: Programming of Development Impact Fee (DIF) Area Plan Major Improvements funds, Developer Agreement (DA) Public Facilities funds, and Development Mitigation (DM) Public Facilities funds for Transportation Projects. Districts 1, 2, 3, and 4. [$3,265,378 Total Cost - Local Funds 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.66 15681 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Ratify and approve the Master Maintenance Agreement for Opex AS7200, Model 72 and FalconV+ with Opex Corporation without seeking competitive bids, for one year November 30, 2020 through November 29, 2021, with the option to renew for four additional one year periods effective November 30, 2021 through November 29, 2025. All Districts. [Total Cost $256,290 up to $25,629 in additional compensation ] - 100% Treasurer-Tax Collector Budget.
3.67 17958 BOS DISTRICT 4: Fourth District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for the Culturas Music-Arts, Girl Friend Factor, and Riverside University Health System Foundation. [$8,500 - General Fund 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.68 17619 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds for Temecula Sunrise Rotary Foundation, NAMI Mt San Jacinto, Hemet/San Jacinto Valley Chamber of Commerce, Murrieta/Wildomar Chamber of Commerce, Family Service Association, Riverside County Foundation on Aging, Murrieta Rotary and Trauma Intervention Programs of Southwest Riverside County. [$13,500] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.69 17709 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to be allocated to Michelle's Place Cancer Resource Center, My City Youth, Community Food Pantry on Murrieta, God's Fan Club dba Project Touch and Western Eagle Foundation, Inc. [$40,000 - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.70 17710 BOS DISTRICT 3: Third District Use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Community Improvement Designation (CID) Funds to be allocated to Community Outreach Ministry, Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Community Mission of Hope, Assistance League of Temecula Valley, Catholic Charities San Bernardino & Riverside Counties and Voices for Children. [$32,000 - American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) 100%] (4/5 Vote Required)
3.71 17636 EXECUTIVE OFFICE: Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) Progress Report. All Districts [$0]
3.72 17909 EXECUTIVE OFFICE TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-215, a Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside Establishing New Supervisorial Boundaries in Riverside County in Accordance with Redistricting Laws. All Districts. [$0]
4 Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting
4.1 17682 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: Adopt SA Resolution No. 2021-01 A Resolution of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency for the County of Riverside (Successor Agency) Approving the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule and Administrative Budget for the Period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 (ROPS 22-23); All Districts [$52,773,793 -Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF-94%, Bond and Reserves-6%)
5 Public Financing Authority Meeting
6 Industrial Development Authority Meeting
7 In-Home Supportive Services Public Authority Meeting
8 Community Facilities District Legislative Body Meeting
9 Riverside County Library System Foundation Meeting
10 Housing Authority Meeting
10.1 17717 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Receive and File Annual Housing Successor Report for Fiscal Year 2020-2021; All Districts. [$0]
10.2 17729 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Approval of the Form of the Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program Agreement to Enter Into A Housing Assistance Payments Contract for New Construction and Approval of the Form of the Consent to Assignment of AHAP and HAP Contract for Vista De La Sierra, Located in the City of Riverside, By and Between Golden Pierce Housing Partners, LP and the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside; District 1. [$0]
10.3 17743 HOUSING AUTHORITY: Adopt Resolution No. 2021-008, Approving the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside’s Revisions to the 2021-2022 Administrative Plan for the Housing Choice Voucher Program; All Districts. [$0]; (Clerk of the Board to File Notice of Exemption); CEQA and NEPA Exempt
11 Flood Control and Water Conservation District Meeting
11.1 17959 SUPERVISOR JEFF HEWITT: Reappointment of Roy Bleckert to the Flood Control Commission, Fifth District. [$0]
11.2 17585 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of Cottonwood Canyon Wash License Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Mesa Wind Power LLC; and Approval of Cottonwood Canyon Wash License Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and AM Wind Repower LLC, Nothing Further Required Under CEQA, District 5. [$0]
11.3 17724 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Amended and Restated Cooperative Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control District, the County of Riverside and D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. for Winchester Hills - Line C, Stage 3, Winchester Hills – Line C, Stage 4 and Winchester Hills Line C – Simpson Road Lateral (Tract No. 30989), Project Nos. 4-0-00580 and 4-0-00586, Nothing Further is Required Under CEQA, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item MT Item No. 17849)
11.4 17725 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Assignment and Assumption Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the County of Riverside, SR Conestoga, LLC and D.R. Horton Los Angeles Holding Company, Inc. for Winchester Hills – Line 3, Stage 3 (Tract Map No. 31633), Project No. 4-0-00577, District 3. [$0] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 17846)
11.5 17760 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2021-44, Authorization to Purchase a Fee Simple Interest in Real Property from Roberta L. Dimbly, a Single Woman, as to an Undivided One-Half Interest and Arrie E. Beavers Sr. and Yolanda A. Beavers, as Trustees of the Arrie E. Beavers Sr. and Yolanda A. Beavers Revocable Trust dated June 22, 2001, Located in an Unincorporated Area of Perris, Riverside County, State of California, Good Hope – Olive Avenue Storm Drain Project, Project Number 4-0-00425, Assessor's Parcel Number 343-230-001, by Grant Deed, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [$200,000 Total Cost – District Funds 100%]
11.6 17832 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2021-45, Authorization to Purchase Fee Simple Interests in Real Property from The Northern Trust Company, Trustee of the Cartier Liquidating Trust #1, dated June 29, 1986, Located in the Unincorporated Area of Lake Elsinore, County of Riverside, State of California, by Grant Deed; Temescal Creek Floodplain Acquisition Project, Project Number 2-0-00052, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 394-040-011, 394-040-012, 394-050-006, 394-050-007 and 394-050-008, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [$305,000 Total Cost – District Funds 100%]
11.7 17850 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Discharge of Accountability for Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District Accounts Receivable, All Districts. [$0]
11.8 17852 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approve the Multi-Year Agreement for Code Enforcement Abatement and Monitoring Services Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and the County of Riverside, 5 Years (FY 2021-2022 to FY 2025-2026), CEQA Exempt, All Districts. [$750,000 Not-to-Exceed Cost - District Funds 100%] (Companion Item to MT Item No. 17878)
11.9 17856 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Approval of the Termination of the Engineering Costs Agreement and the Pipeline Relocation Agreement Between the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Questar Southern Trails Pipeline Company (BNSF to Green River Road, Riverside County) Santa Ana River Below Prado BNSF Bridge Protection Project (Project No. 2-0-00105); Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to Take All Necessary Steps to Terminate and Close Out the Engineering Costs Agreement and the Pipeline Relocation Agreement, CEQA Exempt, District 2. [$0]
11.10 17906 FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT: Adoption of Resolution No. F2021-46, Authorization to Purchase a Fee Simple Interest in Real Property from J. F. Davidson Investments, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Located in the City of Riverside, Riverside County, State of California, by Grant Deed, Monroe MDP Dufferin Retention Basin Project, Project Number 1-0-00082, Assessor's Parcel Numbers 242-030-010 and 242-030-014, CEQA Exempt, District 1. [$315,000 Total Cost – District Funds 100%]
12 County Board and Waste Resources Management District Meeting
12.1 17802 DEPARTMENT OF WASTE RESOURCES: Third Amendment to Access Easement Agreement between the County of Riverside and Lockheed Martin Corporation. District 5. [$0 - Department of Waste Resources Enterprise Funds]
D. District
13 County Board and Regional Park and Open Space District Meeting
13.1 17843 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Annual Required Financial Reporting and Actions of the Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District related to Resolution for Appropriations Limit, Filing of Annual Audit Report, and Increase of Delegated Authority; All Districts. [$0]
13.2 17536 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Approval of Ground Lessor Consent to Assumption of Ground Lease between the HJ/CG Partners, LLC and BRE Iconic LQR Owner LLC (Lake Cahuilla Veterans Regional Park); CEQA Exempt; District 4. [$0] (Clerk to File Notice of Exemption)
13.3 17538 REGIONAL PARK AND OPEN-SPACE DISTRICT: Notice of Completion for the Construction Improvements for PKARC-0247 Harford Springs Reserve Staging Area Project; District 1. [$0]
14 Riverside Community Housing Corp. Meeting
14.1 17847 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY HOUSING CORP (RCHC): Adopt Resolution No. 2021-004, Superseding Resolution No. 2021-001, Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or Chief Operating Officer (COO) to take all necessary steps to secure construction financing and permanent financing for the Allegheny Apartments project; District 5. [$0]
15 Riverside University Health System Medical Center Governing Board Meeting
15.1 17641 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Dolores Aeberli to provide Financial Consulting Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for an annual amount not to exceed $110,000, All Districts. [Total Cost $110,000; up to $11,000 annually in additional compensation] 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050.
15.2 17913 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve the Amendment to the United States Purchaser User Agreement with Global Healthcare Exchange, LLC (GHX) to Provide Item Master File (IMF) Cleanse and Maintenance Services for One Year through October 29, 2022, All Districts. [Total Amendment Cost $172,961; Up to $17,296 Annually in Additional Compensation] 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050.
15.3 17916 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Approve the Asset Purchase Agreement with Riverside University Physicians, Inc. for Certain Intangible Assets. [Maximum Total Cost $57,600] 100% - Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050.
15.4 17763 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM - MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve Amendment No. 8 to the Master Services Agreement with Loma Linda University Shared Services (LLUSS) to exercise a 5-year renewal option for the EPIC Electronic Health Records System through September 30, 2026, All Districts. [Total Cost $69,138,550; up to $3,456,928 in additional compensation - 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund - 40050]
15.5 17910 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve the Fifth Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with Health Care Security Services of California, Inc. (HSS) to provide Security Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids for One Year, Effective August 1, 2021 through July 31, 2022, All Districts. [Total Cost $3,696,288; up to $369,628 in additional compensation] 44% Hospital Enterprise Fund – 40050; 56% RUHS Behavioral Health (Federal/State).
15.6 17911 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve the Professional Service Agreement with National Research Corporation dba NRC Health for Patient Experience and Employee Culture Safety Survey Services Without Seeking Competitive Bids, Effective April 1, 2021 through March 31, 2023, All Districts. [Total Cost $515,526 for Two Years; up to $51,552 in additional compensation] 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050.
15.7 17908 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM-MEDICAL CENTER: Ratification and Approval of the Thirty-Third Amendment to the Vendor Management Services Agreement with RightSourcing, Inc., Effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, All Districts. [$24,000,000 in Additional Cost; up to $2,400,000 in additional annual compensation] 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund 40050.
15.8 17917 RIVERSIDE UNIVERSITY HEALTH SYSTEM – MEDICAL CENTER: Ratify and Approve the Professional Services Agreement with Zymeda Provider Solutions, Inc., for Coding and Revenue Consultation Services, Without Seeking Competitive Bids for One Year with the option to renew for an additional year through September 30, 2023, All Districts. [Total Cost $660,000; up to $66,000 in additional compensation] 100% Hospital Enterprise Fund - 40050]
16.1 Ray Castor spoke regarding the negative impact of climate change the world is facing.
16.2 Chuck Boers spoke regarding the decision to vacate Caravel Lane.
16.3 Roy Bleckert spoke in opposition of the COVID mandates and the mask mandate going into effect in California on Wednesday.
16.4 Charese Mongiello spoke regarding the Constitution of the United States and real law.
16.5 Edward Young spoke regarding the United Lift Program and his tenant being denied by the program for assistance.
16.6 Rosalina Bobadilla spoke regarding the low amount of wage enhancement funds given to stabilize the childcare workforce and requested the Board include childcare providers in the decision making of the funding.
16.7 Mercedes DeLeon spoke in opposition of the mask mandates and the importance of freedom in America.
16.8 Mark Hedges spoke regarding the confidential information being requested by businesses for employment and asked the Board to reach out to their constituents to keep them informed of what is coming.
(Supervisor Spiegel) The retirement of Sergeant Greg Bonaime
3.5, 3.50, 3.72, 11.1
19 Public Hearings
19.1 17511 HOUSING AND WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS (HWS): Public Hearing on the County of Riverside's Community Planning and Development Funded Programs (CDBG, ESG, and HOME) Year-End Summary of Accomplishments Presented in the 2020-2021 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and Receive and File the CAPER, All Districts. [$0]
19.2 17946 TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR: Public Hearing on the Recommendation for Distribution of Excess Proceeds for Tax Sale No. 209, Item 462. Last assessed to: Diaz, Abdel Rafael & De Fria Medina, Gugelo & Troncoso, Franklin & Troncoso Hache, Amina & Hache, Jorge L. & Hache, Iselsa M. & Hache, Cesar Emilio & De Fria, Miguel Angel. District 4. [$97-Fund 65595 Excess Proceeds from Tax Sale] (Continued from 11/16/21 MT # 10551/ Item 19.7)
20 10:00 A.M. County General Plan Amendment Initiation Proceedings Meeting
21 10:00 A.M. County Land Use Public Hearings Meeting
21.1 17419 TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY/PLANNING: Public Hearing on Conditional Use Permit No. 200032, Development Agreement No. 2000015, and Ordinance No. 664.86 – Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) and Section 15061(b)(3) (Common Sense Exemption) – CEQ200070 – Applicant: Higher Point Cannabis – Second Supervisorial District – West Corona Zoning Area – Temescal Canyon Area Plan: Community Development: Commercial Retail (CD-CR) (0.20 – 0.35 FAR) – Location: Northerly of Frontage Road, southerly of W. 6th Street, and westerly of Paseo Grande – 0.28 Acres – Zoning: General Commercial (C-1/C-P) – REQUEST: Conditional Use Permit No. 200032 proposes to use an existing 1,748 sq. ft. building as a Cannabis Retailer - Storefront location with office space and would include tenant improvements to the existing building and site. Development Agreement No. 2000015 and Ordinance No. 664.86 will have a term of 10 years on the proposed cannabis project and grant the applicant vesting rights to develop the project in accordance with the terms of Development Agreement No. 2000015 and Conditional Use Permit No. 200032, and provide community benefit to the West Corona area. APN’s: 102-250-057 and 102-250-059. District 2. [Applicant Funds 100%] (Continue Item Off Calendar)
Supervisor Hewitt:
· Ali Mazarei donated 800 jackets to children of abused families
Supervisor Perez:
· Attended the Parade of Lights in Mecca and thanked everyone that assisted with the parade
· $4.5 million awarded to the Desert Recreation District for and new park in Thermal
· Coachella received $25 million for a park in Indio, Coachella and Cathedral City
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Fentanyl committee meeting and District Attorney Mike Hestrin is the model agency for the nation in charging drug dealers for the wrongful death of the person poisoned by Fentanyl
· Friendly reminder to give to those in need this time of year
Board Committee Report / Update
Executive Officer / State Budget Update
County Counsel Report On Closed Sessions
Supervisor Perez:
· France Warren
· Ysidro Hernandez
Supervisor Washington:
· Requested a moment of silence for those who lost their lives in the tornados this past weekend
· John William Bacher
Supervisor Spiegel:
· Joseph G. Elnar
· Thomas Harry Carpenter
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9:
Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation:
(Subdivision (d)(1) of Government Code Section 54946.9)
A.1 Skyler Diaz v. County of Riverside, et al. (Riverside Superior Court Case No. CVRI2101557)
A.2 Karrene Phillips, Wayne Sheppard and Clarence Woods, individually and on behalf of others similarly situated v. County of Riverside, et al. (USDC Case No. 5:19-cv-01231-JGB-SHK)
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(2) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
B.1 One potential case
B.2 One potential case
Conference with Legal Counsel-Anticipated Litigation:
Initiation of litigation pursuant to subdivision (d)(4) of Government Code Section 54956.9:
C.1 One potential case
D.1 Conference with labor negotiator:
Agency Negotiator – Brenda Diederichs, Asst. County Executive Officer
Employee organizations – Management/Confidential, Unrepresented, RCDDAA,
With respect to every item of business to be discussed in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1):
The Chair declared the meeting adjourned.
Karen Spiegel, Chair of the Board of Supervisors
ATTEST: Kecia R. Harper, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors